1. Content Rights
1.1. All content available on this website is subject to copyright and other intellectual property rights and is owned by our company. It is prohibited to download, copy, or redistribute the content.
1.2. By submitting content to our website (such as comments, reviews, etc.), you grant our company the rights to use such content for our purposes.
2. User Responsibility
2.1. While using our website, you are responsible for complying with local laws, regulations, and ethical standards.
2.2. When interacting with other users, you must use respectful and fair language. Harassment, threats, or any behavior that violates the rights of other users are not tolerated.
3. Use of Services
3.1. The use of services provided on our website is entirely at the user's own risk. Our company does not guarantee that the services will be uninterrupted or error-free.
3.2. Users must refrain from engaging in any activity that may damage or impair our website's functionality. Accounts may be suspended or terminated if such activities are detected.
4. Privacy Policy
4.1. Our website's privacy policy outlines how we collect, use, and protect your personal information. Please review our privacy policy.
5. Changes
5.1. Our company reserves the right to update these terms of use from time to time. Continuing to use our website after the updated terms of use are posted constitutes acceptance of the updated terms.
6. Contact
6.1. If you have any questions or feedback regarding these terms of use, please contact us.